Ever wondered which superhero character each of the current F1 drivers would be? Well, no, me neither.
But with the help of some FaceSwapping technology and Photoshop I thought I may as well and find out. Another fine use of AI tech…
Superheroes or villians?
Every hero needs a villian. And whilst it would have been to nice to turn all the drivers in to heroes, some of them had to be the bad guys. And in certain cases that’s more fitting to the real-life role they play in the sport anyway *cough Hellboy cough*.
And although the F1 grid is an all-male lineup, I thought I’d better represent some of the female superheroes out there too. Lando and Valtteri I’m sorry, you’ve pulled the short straws there.
I’ve put the Superhero character name above each picture but not the F1 driver who’s become them. I’ll let you work that out for yourselves…
Drop a comment below with your favourite.

Iron Man


Wonder Woman



Popular right now:


Ant-Man and The Wasp

The Hulk (it had to be done)

Captain America


Captain Marvel


Black Panther

Mr Fantastic

Doctor Strange

Estella Ocon

The Joker
