COTA Turn 2: Grandstand View, Seating Chart & more info

Alex Gassman
COTA Turn 2 granstand and viewing guide

The COTA Turn 2 grandstand is one of the newest premium seating areas at Circuit of the Americas. 

This guide provides information on the view, the grandstand facilities, the COTA Turn 2 seating chart for the grandstand and lots more information. All to help you choose your seats when visiting the Austin circuit.


What is the Turn 2 grandstand at COTA?

The Turn 2 grandstand at COTA is a premium raised seating area located near the second corner of the Austin circuit.

The Turn 2 grandstand is normally only present for the Formula One race event at Circuit of the Americas. It was available for fans to sit in with reserved seating for the F1 Grand Prix in 2022, but then wasn’t there for the 2023 EchoPark Nascar Cup series race.

COTA Turn 2 grandstand tickets are available for the F1 race in 2023.

COTA circuit and the run down the hill towards Turn 2

COTA Turn 2 grandstand Tickets

Tickets for the Turn 2 grandstand at the United States GP can sell out reasonably quickly. 

So I’d recommend buying tickets on StubHub instead.

I’ve used StubHub for F1 tickets a number of times in the last 12 months, including when I went to the Las Vegas GP, and have always had a really good experience.

Their FanProtect guarantee will also protect your money and tickets.

Where is the Turn 2 grandstand?

The COTA Turn 2 grandstand is located on the right hand side of the track, right in line with the apex of the second corner on the circuit. It’s on the outside of the section of track that drops steeply downhill after the first corner.

The grandstand is angled at around 45 degrees to both the straight runs between turns 1 and 2, and turns 2 and 3. It has been dug in to the banking that used to be present on the inside of Turn 2, where there was a large open general admission viewing area.

COTA Turn 2 grandstand location

COTA Turn 2 grandstand view

Being positioned at an angle to the circuit on the outside of Turn 2, the view from this grandstand is mainly of the second corner with a bit of the run down the hill on the exit of the first turn. You can also catch a bit of the cars as they exit Turn 2 and head towards the esses, but that’s pretty much where you lose them depending where in the grandstand you are sat.

COTA turn 2 grandstand view

If you are sat on the extreme right hand side (as you look at the track) of the COTA Turn 2 grandstand you will be able to turn around to your right to follow the cars much further through turns 3, 4, and 5. But you won’t be able to see as much of the first corner.

If you’re sat on the extreme left however, you’ll have a better view of the exit of the first corner but won’t be able to see the cars once they’ve left Turn 2.

The 360 degree image below was taken before the grandstand was in place, but from the top of the banking. It gives a pretty good representation of how much of the track can be seen.

Sitting as high up as possible in the grandstand means you can also just about see across the track to turns 16, 17, 18 and 19 that run around the tower. They’re a little distance away however, so a pair of binoculars will help. If you’re lower down in the front rows you won’t be able to see this bit of the track.

Austin F1 track panorama view

The way the grandstand has been dug in to the banking means that some parts don’t have an elevated view at all. As the image below shows, the seats in the front rows on the left hand side of the grandstand are pretty low to the ground and have their view obstructed by the catch fence.

The map below roughly shows the parts of the track that can be seen from the Turn 2 grandstand in green. The left and right hand limits of this change a lot depending on where in the grandstand you sit.

COTA turn 2 view from the grandstand

The video below is filmed by someone stood directly adjacent to the COTA Turn 2 grandstand. Whilst it’s at ground level and the stand blocks the view of the exit of the first corner, it does give a rough idea of what can be seen.

Turn 2 general admission viewing

There is general admission spectating either side of the Turn 2 grandstand. If you go back up the track to the left of the stand you are able to see more of the first corner action. 

This direction means you are climbing back up the hill which helps you have a better vantage point over more of the track. The Turn 2 grandstand, however, blocks your view of the second corner onwards.

If you go to the right of the stand further along the track you can watch the cars through the very fast direction changes of turns 3, 4 and 5. Again the grandstand actually blocks your view of anything before this. There is a banked grass area here that helps with a slightly more elevated view.

See our gull COTA General Admission guide for more info.

COTA Turn 2 grandstand facilities

  • The Turn 2 grandstand at COTA is not covered. It’s completely open to the elements with no shade, so make sure you bring adequate sun protection.
  • There is a toilet block directly behind the grandstand, as well as a number of food and beverage providers. In 2022 there was also the Biergarten Village, entertainment stage and Longhorn racing just a few steps away from the grandstand.
  • The seats are full chairs, with a folding seat base, fixed seat back, cupholders and armrests.
  • There is a giant TV visible from the grandstand. It’s located on the other side of the track on the infield and is angled towards the grandstand. You can also see it from the general admission area to the right of the stand.
Giant TV screen at the F1 Austin Grand Prix of the USA

COTA Turn 2 seating chart

Enter your name and email in the boxes below and the hi-res COTA grandstand seating charts will be sent to your inbox, including the COTA Turn 2 seating chart. These will include all details of row and seat numbers. The files are too big to host here!

There are just over 2600 seats in the grandstand. The ones at the front which are lower down have the lower row numbers, and the ones at the back higher off the ground have the higher row numbers.

I would try to get seats as high up as possible to stand a chance of getting some better views across the circuit towards turns 16, 17 and 18, and also to try and see more of what it going on higher up at Turn 1.

COTA Grandstand Seating Charts Hi-Res
COTA turn 2 seating chart

Is Turn 2 at COTA a good place to sit?

The Turn 2 grandstand at Circuit of the Americas is not a great grandstand to sit in. Infact it would be my last choice of grandstands at the circuit, regardless of where on the seating chart you sit.

The view is predominantly of the second corner which cars usually take in single file, without much overtaking or action. If you sat in the COTA Turn 4 grandstand you can still see most of the second corner, plus all of the ‘esses’.

The views of other parts of the track are very limited from here. At best you can see a couple of corners on the infield, but if you’re too low down then you won’t be able to see that either.

If possible I’d try and get seats in the COTA Turn 1 grandstand instead. That also has views of Turn 2, and from there you can see a huge amount more of the circuit. Those tickets are normally a lot more expensive however.

The Turn 2 grandstand tickets are usually some of the last to sell out because people know it’s not the best view. The benefit of paying for seats here over general admission is that you’ve actually got reserved seats and you’re not fighting for space in a GA area, plus there’s a lot of amenities right near the stand.

Closest parking lots

Parking lots T and N are the closest to Turn 2 at COTA.

Other COTA grandstands

US GP - What to Expect

I’ll send you my 6 must-know tips for attending the COTA F1 race so you are fully prepared, know what to expect and get the most out of the event.

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Alex Gassman

I‘m Alex. I write F1 and motorsport travel guides based on my experience as racing driver and full-time motorsport nerd. I’ve traveled the world watching F1 and other racing series.

I started oversteer48 with the aim of helping other motorsport fans who are planning on watching some racing themselves.

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