This article provides information on the different Oulton Park parking areas and each of the four circuit entrances.
Different entrances and car parks will not only give you alternative views of the racing action, but they can seriously change how badly you’ll be stuck in traffic at the start or end of the event as well. Check out the info below to avoid getting caught out.
Oulton Park entrances
There are four different Oulton Park entrances:
- Main entrance
- East gate entrance
- Knickerbrook entrance
- Shaws entrance
During the headline events, queues to get in and out of the circuit via the Main entrance will be the longest as all the cars, traffic and spectators from within the circuit has to leave through here at the end of the day. East Gate entrance traffic will also be bad as it is trying to exit on to the same road as traffic from the Main entrance.
The Knickerbrook and Shaws entrances are usually the quiestest. If you can, use one of the parking areas detailed lower down this page near either of these entrances. If you are heading South of the circuit to get home, definitely use these two entrances as they should give you a much clearer, easier run out of the area, avoiding the traffic leaving by either of the two northerly entrances / exits.
Check out our article on Oulton park directions for more info on getting to the circuit.

Main entrance
Used for: All events including headline and club race days, track days, test days.
The main entrance is located on Park Road and has the large Oulton Park sign on the corner of the junction. Once you turn up the entrance road you will immediately go over a bridge across the track before reaching three ticket booths, which lead to the paddock area and infield car parks.
This entrance is open for all events at Oulton Park. If you are planning on spectating or parking on the inside of the circuit, in the pits or the paddock area, this is the best entrance to use.
It’s also the entrance you need to use if you are doing a trackday at Oulton Park.

East Gate entrance
Used for: Most headline events, campsite entrance, Lodge & Old Hall grandstands
The East Gate entrance is located about 400m east of the main entrance on Park Road, and is where the private road to the Oulton Estate joins Park Road. If you enter Little Budworth you’ve missed it and gone too far.
The East Gate entrance is usually open for most headline events, but not for club events or track days. If you are camping at Oulton Park you need to enter via this gate. Once you do the marshals will direct you through the inner access roads to the campsite.
If you have seats allocated in the Lodge or Old Hall grandstands this entrance is closest to those.

Knickerbrook entrance
Used for: Most headline events, Knickerbrook grandstand
The Knickerbrook entrance is located on Rushton lane, and once you’re through it you will come to a few ticket booths and then are immediately on the outside of Knickerbrook and Hislops corners.
The Knickerbrook entrance at Oulton Park is only usually open for headline events such as the BTCC, BSB and British GT championship. If you have seats in the Knickerbrook grandstand this is the best place to enter as there is parking right next to it.

Shaws entrance
Used for: Most headline events
Shaws entrance is located on the junction of Kings Lane and Dogmore Lane. It looks like it’s a private driveway up past the side of a house but it does actually lead to the circuit. Head up the lane past the houses on your left and you will eventually be greeted by a circuit marshal who will direct you from there.
The Shaws entrance is usually only open for headline events at Oulton.

Parking at Oulton Park
All parking at Oulton Park is free of charge. You must be prepared to show your general admission tickets when passing through the ticket booths at any of the entrance locations.
There are a number of different Oulton Park parking areas dotted around the circuit, both on the infield and outfield sections. The map below for the BTCC event shows these.

During the biggest events spectator number will be in the tens of thousands, and parking areas can be pretty full. Don’t be surprised if you are directed to an overflow carpark on the outside of the circuit which might be a boggy grass car park and could result in a slightly longer walk to get to your favourite viewing spot.
There are pedestrian bridges across the circuit at Clay Hill and on the Start / Finish straight. So regardless of where you park you will have the option to get your walking boots on and move around either the inside or outside of the circuit throughout the day.
See our article on Oulton Park spectating for more information on some of the best viewing spots.
infield parking
The image above shows a lot of parking on the inside of the circuit, accessed only via the Main entrance. There is a large bank on the inside of Cascades that runs all the way around towards Knickerbrook and Clay Hill. This is not only a favourite spectator area at Oulton, but is also a parking area.
As it’s well banked and elevated, if you can park here then you will have a great view of Cascades from the comfort of your car. But don’t expect to be leaving the circuit in a hurry at the end of the day; all the cars on the inside have to leave via the Main entrance and that can often see the longest delays of any parking area.
outfield parking
At the bottom of the image above you can see the the Knickerbrook / Hilltop parking area, accessed via the Knickerbrook or Shaws entrances. This grass parking area is all banked towards the circuit, so if you can park here there’s a good chance your car will be sloped towards the track and slightly elevated. You’ll get a great view that spans Hislops, Knickerbrook and over to Cascades.
This parking area runs all the way along Hilltop towards the Island Bend hairpin.
The other area you can see on the right hand side of the image is the campsite, and reserved for those with camping tickets only. If you are camping at the circuit then you have great views from here.
The parking area on the outside of the start / finish straight (not shown in the image above), accessed by the East Gate entrance, doesn’t have any direct views of the circuit. You’ll need to leave your car and walk elsewhere around the track for a view of the action.
helmet & leather parks
Usually there is a helmet and leather park for the BSB event. This is located on the circuit infield, so needs to be accessed by the Main entrance gate. There is normally a small fee to leave you gear here for the day which gets donated to a charity.
Oulton Park disabled parking
There are two disabled parking areas at Oulton Park. These are on the inside of the circuit and are accessed only via the Main entrance.