Hamilton Straight is named in honour of the 7-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton. It overlooks the Silverstone Wing pitlane building and has the best views of the start / finish line, pitlane and the podium.
However, in 2024, there was a Red Bull hospitality area right night to Hamilton A which blocked people’s view.
This article provides all the information you need to know about spectating from here, including grandstand seating plans, images and videos of the view, the nearest entrances and more.
Where is the Hamilton Straight?
The Hamilton Straight used to be called the International Pits Straight. It’s the start / finish straight on the modern Silverstone Grand Prix circuit layout.
It was at the end of 2020 after Lewis Hamilton won his 7th F1 world title that the British Racing and Drivers Club agreed to rename the straight in honour of Lewis.
The straight has the large Silverstone Wing building along its right-hand side, which is home to conference centres, pit garages and overlooks the Silverstone pit lane.
Drivers enter the Hamilton Straight via the final corner on the GP circuit, Club Corner. At the other end of the straight is Turn 1, Abbey Corner.
The Hamilton Straight, Club and Abbey corners are highlighted on the map below, courtesy of the Silverstone website.
There are four main straights on the GP circuit at Silverstone – Hamilton, Wellington, National Pits and Hangar – and the Hamilton is the shortest of the four. Despite that, by the time the F1 cars reach Abbey Corner at the end of the straight they are doing almost 180mph.
Is Hamilton Straight a good place to sit at Silverstone?
Sitting along Hamilton Straight means you will have the best view of any seating area at Silverstone of the start / finish line. Plus you will be able to see all of the pitlane action, and if you’re at the right end of the straight you can see the podium too.
There are a number of different grandstands along this straight, specifically there are two Hamilton Straight grandstands, A and B (used to be South and North respectively). This article focuses on these two stands.
Read more in the Hamilton A section below about the Red Bull hospitality area blocking the view.
The two Hamilton grandstands are in prime position for the start / finish line and pitlane. So if that is what you are interested in most of all then theses grandstands are the perfect place for you.
If you’re camping at Silverstone some of the nearest sites are Woodlands and the Golf Club.
Hamilton straight tickets
I’ve bought Formula 1 tickets onViagogo and StubHub a number of times over the last couple of years, including when I went to the Las Vegas GP last year. I’ve always had great experiences with them and will definitely be using them to buy more tickets this season.
They also have a very robust ‘FanProtect guarantee’ which means your tickets and money are always protected.
Are there big TV screens on Hamilton Straight?
For the Formula 1 there are a few TV screens attached to the side of the Wing pitlane building on the other side of the track. There are three of these spread out along the length of the building, and different ones are visible from different grandstands.
The image below shows that two screens are visible from the Hamilton A grandstand.

And this images shows a third screen which can be seen from Hamilton B.

Are the Hamilton Straight grandstands covered?
Hamilton Straight A grandstand is covered. It has a roof over the top with a small lip that drops down at the front to provide some extra weather protection for people sat in the front row. There are no covers on the sides of the grandstand, however, so people sat on the end might get a bit wet however they will have a great, unobstructed view.
Hamilton Straight B grandstand is not covered. It’s completely open to the elements.
Hamilton Straight A
Where is Hamilton Straight A grandstand at Silverstone?
The Hamilton A (previously Hamilton South) grandstand is the closer of the two Hamilton stands to the final corner of Club. It is just before the start / finish line and sits directly opposite the start of the pitlane and the podium.
Hamilton A grandstand is directly adjacent to the newly built Hilton Hotel, which is just to the left of it. This grandstand is South-East facing.
Hamilton straight A (not B) is one of the Premium grandstands for 2025.
Map below courtesy of the Silverstone website.

View from Hamilton Straight A grandstand
This grandstand has the best view from any seating area of the podium. It’s directly opposite to it and not very far away.
If you are able to get seats on the right hand side of this grandstand (as you look at the track) you can also see much more of the final section of the lap. This includes the exit of Stowe corner and the whole Vale and Club complex.
However, at the 2024 British GP, Red Bull built a large hospitality area and skate park on the front of the Hilton Hotel, just to the left of the Hamilton A stand. This completely ruined the view of the start / finish straight for most people in this stand:
Feel for anyone who's paid to sit in Hamilton Straight A when you've got the Red Bull Hospitality building blocking half the view of the straight 😬 #BritishGP pic.twitter.com/hSOMo1gyT6
— Max Springer (@max_springer2) July 4, 2024
And now @redbullracing creating a skate track next to the grandstand so we can't even see the start lights. #Silverstone pic.twitter.com/sP0yhkitWw
— The Duchess of Surrey 👑🇮🇱 (@DebStibbs) July 7, 2024
So for those of us that have actually paid for our tickets, 1/4 of our view is now blocked by a hospitality area for Red Bull where they have a DJ that doesn’t stop playing whilst the cars are racing #silverstone #smh pic.twitter.com/3maidqEfIW
— Abi Garrett (@abilavelle) July 6, 2024
I have reached out to Silverstone for confirmation on whether the Red Bull hospitality area and BMX park will be in the same place for 2025. Here is their response:
So the answer is… sit here at your peril. Hopefully it will be smaller next year but still sounds like it could be a slight issue.
I would always try and sit on the right hand side of this stand (as you look at the track) to try and avoid being blocked by the Hotel and the Red Bull area without knowing how big it is going to be in 2025..
The image below shows the areas of the track visible from Hamilton A grandstand highlighted in pink when the Red Bull hospitality area is NOT obstructing the view.
This video provides a great example of the view from Hamilton A without the Red Bull hositality area. This is filmed from a fairly central position within the grandstand but still has good visibility of the run from Stowe to Vale and Club.
Hamilton Straight A grandstand seating plan
Enter your name and email below and the hi-res Silverstone Hamilton Straight A grandstand seating plan will be sent to your inbox (the file is too large to host here!)
The rows run from A (front / lowest) to U (back / highest) and seat numbers go from 1 (closest to Club corner) to 234 (closest to the start / finish line). There are around 3800 seats in the Hamilton A grandstand.
For the best views of the Vale and Club complex aim for seat numbers as low as possible.

Hamilton Straight B
Where is Hamilton Straight B grandstand at Silverstone?
The Hamilton B grandstand is located just past the start / finish line on the outside (left hand side) of the straight. It’s the other side of the Hilton Hotel to Hamilton B, so the two Hamilton grandstands sandwich the hotel in between them. Hamilton B is also North-East facing.
Map below courtesy of the Silverstone website.
View from Hamilton Straight B grandstand
Being further along the pit straight, the only view you have from here of the final sequence of corners is the exit of Club Corner. You cannot see Vale or the entry to Club.
The benefit of its location, however, is that you can see the whole of the first corner Abbey plus the run through the next fast left hander of Farm Curve. The further to the left in this grandstand you sit, the more of that section you are able to see.
You again have a great view of the pitlane, but the podium is much harder to see from here as it can be hidden behind some of the advertising boardings that go over the start line.
The image below shows roughly which parts of the track can be seen from Hamilton Straight B, highlighted in pink.
This video provides a perfect example of the view from this grandstand.
Hamilton Straight B seating plan
Enter your name and email below and the hi-res Silverstone Hamilton Straight B grandstand seating plan will be sent to your inbox (the file is too large to host here!)
The rows run from A (front / lowest) to W (back / highest) and seat numbers go from 1 (closest to the start line) to 129 (closest to Abbey corner). There are around 1200 seats in the Hamilton B grandstand.
For the best views of Abbey and Farm Curve, aim for higher seat numbers. Bear in mind that if you are sat high up in the stand at some of the lowest seat numbers there is a small chance you may have some of your view towards Club corner obstructed by the pesky hotel.

Best entrance gate for Hamilton Straight grandstands
The best spectator entrance gate to use to get to the Hamilton Straight and its grandstands is Gate 16, or failing that use the main entrance Gate 19.
See our article on Silverstone’s spectator entrance gates for detailed information on entering the circuit by foot.
Other Silverstone Grandstands
Check out my spectating guides for all other grandstands at Silverstone:
Hi there
great site , the best I have seen regarding clear , concise , relevant information .Thanks. One question please, I looking to purchase Hamilton A straight tickets . We sat there last year. However want to ensure we get a solid view see view of club corner as well as the straight.
What rows and seat numbers would you suggest to get the best view please?
thanks in advance
Hi Olu, thanks for the comments.
You want to be at the end of the stand nearest Club Corner. So that’s the lower seat numbers.
At the 2023 British GP they extended the adjancent Club C grandstand so it comes much closer to Hamilton A. I’m not certain, but there might be a risk that if you sat in the very end seat at the top of the Hamilton A grandstand your view of Club Corner now might be slightly impeded by the edge of the Club C stand.
Here’s a video taken from the new Club C extension, and you can see the end of Hamilton A to the left; https://youtu.be/3ge1w6TyKmU
I’d hedge my bets and try and gets seats in the 10 – 30 range. I always prefer higher rows for a better vantage points so would go for row L and above.
Thank you so much for this useful information as this is my first ever GP!
I just managed to get my tickets at Hamilton Straight A with seat number lower 50 in the first couple of rows. May I know if I will have a good view of club and vale corner? As well as the start and finish line? Thanks!
Hi Nana, as my reply to the comment above this says getting seats in the lower numbers in Hamilton A is great for seeing some of Club and Vale. You’re alongside the start / finish straight and the finish line will be very close to you. Great tickets, well done!
Great, the first site I’ve found where I can actually see where the seats I’ve just paid 2k for ARE. Ham B , row A doesn’t start until seat 34. Why, what’s in place of the seats? We have B 13 14 and 15 and my granddaughter will be heartbroken if our view is obscured
Hi Denise, I wouldn’t worry. Looking back at some of the race footage from the 2023 British GP (when the row A layout was the same) there doesn’t seem to be anything in front of the stand. I think, you guys will effectively have front row.
thank you. LOVE your site – fantastic help for F1 virgins like me.
Thanks Denise, glad it has been useful!
Hi, Just to let you know, car park 50 is for Blue Badge parking only! Thank you
Thanks for the info Sue!
Good Evening We are going to take our Grandson to Silverstone G.Prix on the Sunday
Hamilton Straight A. Row ES… I can’t see it on plan or Row O. Could you tell me which would be the best view.
Many thanks
Dianne Allan
Hi Dianne, I don’t know what row ES is? The rows are single letters. If it’s row E then I would suggest row O instead as it will be higher up with a better vantage point.
Hello, thank you so much for providing such great information. I have a question regarding Hamilton A. Seat L27. Is it covered? I am wondering if I need to pack sun protection or rain gear. I usually go to Montreal (always bring rain gear) and I did Vegas. Just need to know what I should be prepared for. Thanks!
Hi Karen, Hamilton A has a roof so it’s covered. But it’s England, so I’d always suggest bringing some light layers / protection from both sun and rain just incase!
Hi Alex,
what a great site this is!
Do you know yet if Red Bull are setting up the skate park and hospitality area adjacent to the Hamilton A grandstand again this year which spoilt the view for many people in this stand last year?
Hi Pat, I’ve just updated the article with Silverstone’s response which I had back this afternoon in the Hamilton A view section. In short, yes the Red Bull area will be there again but they’re going to try and make it smaller (but it’s still likely to be an issue). Sit there at your peril!
Hi Alex,
Great website! Very clear information.
I saw from your seating plan that A1 is closest to Club Corner, however when I purchased my tickets, the Silverstone website suggested that the lower numbers were closer to the Redbull hospitality, and the finish line.
Based on your advice, I bought N20 and N21. It’s very contradictory. Would you consider my seat numbers to be good, having a decent view over the previous corners and the podium?
Many thanks,
Hi Corrine, I have just doubled checked. Both my seating plan and the ticket selection on the Silverstone website say the same thing – A1 is closest to Club Corner and the higher seat numbers are further along the start / finish straight. So your low seat numbers will be good – you’re closer to club and should have a better angle to look past the hotel / Red Bull area.
Great, thank you so much for confirming, Alex!